Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Berkeley provides (at least) two objections to Lockes Essay

Berkeley provides (at least) two objections to Lockes - Essay Example In his second Principle, Berkeley claims that objects must be perceived in order to exist, â€Å"for the existence of an idea consists in being perceived† (Berkeley 461). He bases this premise on the evidence that thoughts, passions and imaginative ideas cannot exist without a mind capable of perceiving them. â€Å"And (to me) it seems no less evident that the various sensations or ideas imprinted on the sense, however blended or combined together (that is, whatever objects they compose), cannot exist otherwise than in a mind perceiving them† (471). This goes directly against Locke’s concept of primary properties which are described as properties of an object that are true regardless of who perceives them or even whether they are perceived. Examples of primary properties include the object’s solidity, its figure, its relative motion to its surroundings and its quantity. In the example of a table, primary properties might include its hard surface and open a rea between the legs, its flat surface and height from the ground, its motionless status within the room and its singular status as an object. While Locke says that these things exist whether or not anyone perceives them, Berkeley suggests that none of these elements of the object can be true without someone first perceiving that they’re true. In this, he essentially applies Locke’s concepts of secondary properties to the entire object, eliminating primary properties. â€Å"In truth, the object and the sensation are the same thing and cannot therefore be abstracted from each other† (471). Another area in which Berkeley disagrees with Locke is in the characterization of our understanding. Locke indicates that our perceptions and experiences of the world are learned and shaped by our experiences of innate things that exist in the material world independently of perception while Berkeley

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Contemporary issues on NHS

Contemporary issues on NHS A policy is typically defined as a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. It is not used normally what is actually done, it is normally referred to as either procedure or protocol. A policy will contain what and the why procedures. A policy can be considered as a statement of intent. Policy may apply to generalized private sector organization and groups and individuals. In another way policy can be defined as a collection of different ideas and methods which is used for the improvement in any field including health care and the other hand, health policy is a practical device or advantageous procedure and positive course of action. Social Policy is a subject area, not a discipline; it borrows from other social science disciplines in order to develop study in the area. The contributory disciplines include sociology, social work, psychology, economics, political science, management, history, philosophy and law. The name social policy is used to apply 1) that policies which are used by the government use for welfare and social protection, 2) to the ways in which welfare is developed in a society and to the academic study of the subject. In the first sense, social policy is particularly concerned with social services and the welfare state. Improvements to social policy are a key element of development and the achievement of human rights. Many social policies are addressed by the third committee of the UN general assembly. Health policy can be defined as the decision, plans and action that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within the society. According to the World Health Organization, health policy can achieve several things. It defines the vision of the future. We can define the different categories of the health policies, eg pharmaceutical policy, public health and personal health care policy, tobacco control policy. Before 1990 there was a good collaboration of health and social care policy. Contemporary issues on NHS National Health Services is the United Kingdom health services organization. The short form of National Health Services is NHS. It was stabilised in 1948. It was grown the worlds largest publicly funded services. It is also known as a most efficient, most comprehensive and egalitarian. In the Second World War and difficult scenario NHS was established. The principle of NHS always remains in the core. It was born for good health care and should be available to all. The NHS is the free services for anyone who is resident of the United Kingdom. The NHS only charges some prescription and optical and dental services. NHS is giving the free services more than 60 million people. It covers everything such as antenatal screening routine treatment for coughs and colds to open heart surgery, accident and emergency treatment and it also covers the end of life care. Mainly it is funded from taxation. In United Kingdom they have separate management in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; in many respects they are similar. Despite their separate management and funding there is no any discrimination when a resident of one country of the United Kingdom requires treatment in another although a patient will often be returned to their home area when they are fit to be removed? It is the huge organization. In this organization have more than 1.7 million employees and half of them are clinically qualified, including 120000 hospitals doctors 400000 nurses 40000 GPs practises and 25000 ambulance staff. The NHS of the England is the biggest part of the system It is caring more than 51 million people and employing 1.3 million people. The number of patients using the NHS is large. Every 36 hours it is dealing a million in the England, in Scotland 463 in minute and more than 700000 people will visit on NHS dentist and 3000 heart operation, here are 10000 GPs in nationwide. Each GPs look more than 140 patient in a week. NHS is spending big amount of money. When the NHS established the starting budget of the NHS is 9 billion and now the budget of the NHS is 100 billion in year which is increasing by 4% every year. It is spending 60% of the budget to pay the staff, and 20% for the drug suppliers and remaining 20% is spending for the equipment and training costs. 80% of the total cost is distributed by the local trusts. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BILL: TO REFORM THE NHS FROM WHITE PAPER LIBERATING THE NHS We know that the health is wealth. In any country of the world health is the backbone of the country and the main important is government funded health organization. If any policy is taken related to the health it affects the outcomes of the services. In the United Kingdom NHS is only one and which cover the almost 100% of the services. Now the government took a new policy for NHS Which is liberating the NHS. The Health and Social Care Bill was introduced into Parliament on 19 January 2011. The Bill is a crucial part of the Governments vision to modernise the NHS so that it is built around patients, led by health professionals and focused on delivering world-class healthcare outcomes. The Bill takes forward the areas of Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010) and the subsequent Government response Liberating the NHS: legislative framework and next steps (December 2010), which require primary legislation. It also includes provision to strengthen public health services and reform the Departments arms length bodies. The Bill on health and social care 2011 contains provisions covering five themes: It is strengthening commissioning of NHS services It is increasing public voice and democratic accountability. liberating provision of NHS services strengthening public health services Reforming health and care arms-length bodies. Structure of NHS Department of health Strategic health authorities Primary care trusts GPs Dentists Hospitals Patients The Department of Health (DH) is in overall charge of the NHS with cabinet minister reporting as secretary of state for health to the minister. The 10 Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) are under the department of health which oversee all activities of NHS IN England. The strategic supervision of NHS is controlled by each SHA in its area. The NHS services of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland runs separately by the developed administrations. Primary care trusts are divided into primary care and secondary care. Primary care is the front line services. GPs, Dentists are primary care where people contacts first time. Secondary care can be defined as a acute health care and can be either elective or emergency care. Primary care is the centre of the NHS and they cover and control 80% of the NHS budget. These are the local organizations so they know the needs of community and they can make sure the organizations providing health and social care services are working effectively. The PCTs oversee 1800 NHS dentist and 29000 GP. Here are 175 acute NHS trusts and 60 mental health trusts which control the 1600 NHS hospitals and specialists care centres.NHS ambulance trusts provides the emergency ambulance services, in UK there are 11 ambulance trusts. The NHS structure shown below which will be happened after reforming, Independent board 250 + GP consortiums GPs Dentist specialist service Hospitals, community services, mental unit intensive core Patients After reforming the NHS structure there would be the change in the management not in the whole system of the NHS, but changing the management system it directly affect the top to bottom shake of the NHS. which will directly affect the model of care of the NHS. Reasons of reforming the NHS NHS is the great national institution. The main principle of the NHS when it was founded is free at the point of use and available to every one based on need and it is not focused for ability to pay. Most of us believe it can be so much better for both the patient and professionals. So that the government took the bold vision for the NHS future, which is equity and excellence. According to the different surveys and analysis NHS of the United Kingdom is world class. It is giving the facility without cost and it is also employing more than 1.6 million people which mean it is giving a good services. According to the Health secretary Andrew Lansley says that NHS is the world class in some respects but it is not good enough in some areas eg ; rate of mortality, United Kingdom is the 2nd largest mortality rate among the 24 richest country in the world and rates of mortality for some respiratory diseases and the stroke has been the worst in the developed world. Now the NHS has too much bure aucracy, after reforming NHS would be more accountable to the patients and all the staff will free from excessive bureaucracy. In the structure of the NHS there are 10 strategic health authorities, 175 NHS trusts and 60 mental health trusts. After reforming It will increases spending on real terms of the health not in managing. Department of the health says NHS has further to go on managing care more effectively and international evidence prove it. The changes of NHS are The main changes are fundamental changes to structure and the operation which changes the social economic and managerial changes. The main structure of changes is a Englands 175 or so primary care trusts will be wound up in 2013 and their work, commissioning healthcare will pass to groups of GPs called general practise commissioning consortiums (GPCCs). Every GPCCs which will have existing practises will have own budget. The constriums will collect the  £ 80 billion from the total budget of NHS and GPCCs are agreed to contacts with hospital and other. More than 200 GPCCs have been set up. The outcomes or changes will be taken by keeping the patient on the heart of the NHS. The patients will have more choices and control by the easy access of the GPs and hospitals. Patient will have the right of decision making about their treatment and care. It will be focused in clinical outcomes. Success will be measured by the bureaucratic process targets, but the against results that really mat ter to patients such as improving cancer and stroke survival rates. The capacity will be increases or will empower the professionals. Doctor and nurse will have right of professional judgement about the patient treatment. This thing will be supported by controlling the front line staff. If patient want they will have the access information, they can make choices. Patient will have the right of choosing the GP practise, consultant led-team and any provider. Hospitals will require to open their mistake, if something wrong patient must know it. The patient voice will strengthen by local authorities. The targets will be removed with no clinical justification. The quality standard of NICE will inform the commissioning of all NHS care and payment system. The drug companies will be paid by the value of their new medicines, follow of money will be transparent, comprehensive and stable payment system across the NHS to promote high quality care, drive efficiency and support patient choices. T he service provider will get the money according to their services performance, payment should reflect outcome not just activity and provider an incentive for better quality. The NHS fundamental structure is controlled by the department of health, after reforming there would be one independent and accountable NHS commissioning board, and NHS will be the under control of this commissioning board. This board will allocate the NHS resources lead on the achievement of health outcomes. This board will promote and improves the patient involvement and choices. Another duty of this board will promotes equality and tackle inequalities. Day by day the minister power will be limited for the decision of NHS. The changes will be shaking top to bottom of NHS structure. Benefits of NHS reforms It is the big institution of health. After reforming there should be some changes with the facility of the NHS. GPs could more than double their income to  £ 300000 per year this is the direct impact of the NHS reforms. It also cuts the bureaucracy. NHS foundation trusts are given significantly greater financial freedom and power. It increases the quality of primary medical services. Now the NHS budget is increasing 4% per year after reforming it will increase just 0.1% per year. Model of care Model of care is directly impact to the patients and it affects the whole output of the organization. I have already described the model of care in changes of NHS. when the people born in the world at first he is known only male and female at that time there is no any discrimination like that way United Kingdom National Health Service believes in the universality. In NHS there is no any discrimination for the treatment of the patient, it is only believe for the medical requirement, it doesnt separate the richest and poorest of the people. It gives the treatment free of the cost. If the people of the different country which have more than 1 year resident permit he is also can take the benefit of the NHS. While starting the NHS at that time people have no right of choices, but now a days they have right of taking decision of their care. Day by day patients are increasing and also the NHS also increasing employees which gives the good services for the patient which is the positive point of the model of care. We know that NHS is employing the large number of employees. Now a day United Kingdom government is focusing the reforms of the NHS, many arguments were taken about the patient of care; I thought its better to describe the different arguments here. British Medical Association is the leading association of the medical staff in the UK, but the British Medical Association said against the reforms of the NHS. According to the BMA: more than 150 organizations and 80 percent budget of the NHS will go to the GPs hand. Financially and managerial power is given to GPs which increases the bureaucracy. This proposal is unmanaged damaging and unjustified. This damages the patients care. There are different surveys says after reforming its affect a patient care. According to the Unison after the cutting of the staff its directly increase the workload for the nurses and doctor and other staff. The survey said that 88% think that during first year of the coalition government their workload has increased, and 65% said that rise of hitting patient care and saf ety. Around 67% of nurses said that increasing the workload direct impact on their health, and 69% said their job is not suitable or bad for family life. This will direct affect the model of care. Beside these arguments I thought that after reforming the NHS the model of care would be better. Equality and excellence liberating of the NHS Says patient are always in the core and after reforming patient will have many choices, they will have their decision for owns care, and they can tell no decision without me, which is not in the todays model of care. Managerial cost will be saved which will be used to empower the technical and professional things, these things increases the model of care better. Conclusion Health is the backbone of the any country without healthy people country cannot be developed. Health and social care policy is directly related to the health of the people. So that government should think about how to take the policy, policy should not be taken without justification. I have already mentioned that policy is the key role of the development. Now the Government took the new policy about the National Health Services (NHS). in the history of the NHS government took many policies related to the health but this policy would be the biggest policy which will change the fundamental or it will shake the top to bottom of the NHS. in my opinion government should take the policy step by step not like big shake up. The implementation of this policy is very costly. British Medical Association already rejects this policy and many people are against of this. Health and social care policy and model of care are interrelated; this means how the patient will be treated, if the policy is fa iled then what would be the condition of the country. This policy cuts the thousands of jobs which will increase the unemployment, this policy increase the price competition allowing hospitals to undercut one another to attract patients, poses a risk to standard of care. some surveys said doctor will be the account after implementing this policy. Health is wealth This is the universal truth so that government should not play the life of the people. According to health secretary Andrew lansley this policy equity and excellence liberating NHS will make the NHS bright future.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of a Horses by Edwin Muir Essay -- English Literature

Analysis of a poem- Horses by Edwin Muir It is said that one should forget the past and live in the present It is said that one should forget the past and live in the present. However, Edwin Muir’s ‘Horses’ is a poem of past memories only. The interesting part is that it deals with many conflicts and issues which are prevalent even today. It is thus a bridge between the past and present and is expressed in the form of a piece of literature. Muir himself said that in writing about horses in this poem, he was reflecting his childhood view of his father’s plough horses, which must have seemed huge, powerful and mysterious to a boy of four or five. Some of his poems, including ‘Horses’, have a close equivalent in passages from his autobiography, suggesting that seeing these horses reminded him of certain events. The poem begins with the poet transcending reality and reminiscing of one of his childhood memories. In this case it is one of when he as a child, watched a team of horses ploughing the stubble back into the field, during a rainy day which got progressively stormier. In the first two verses, the poet gives the reader a meaningful hint into what the circumstances of his times were. This was most probably, the hardships of a period of war. The few references Muir makes to an army such as in cases where the horses â€Å"marched† and the word â€Å"conquering† further strengthen this issue of war. â€Å"Their hooves like pistons in an ancient mill† This line brings up another issue which is plaguing the third world as we know it. In the same verse he refers to a â€Å"childish hour† in which he also compares the horses’ hooves to pistons in an ancient mill. This refers to how child labour in factories was existent e... ...hose memories back when he says â€Å"I must pine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  hoping, in my perspective, to change the past. Muir now seems to be in a state of possible turmoil and confusion. At one point, he refers to these memories as â€Å"dreadful and fearful† while in the same verse he calls them â€Å"bright.† Ultimately however, it seems that the past has been greater than the present; at least it still has an overwhelming effect on the poet’s mind. It is said â€Å"When you are thrown from the horse, the best thing you can do is to get back on as soon as possible†. Returning to the ‘scene of crime’ can help resolve issues and this is exactly what Muir is doing through the course of the poem. The closing paragraph of the poem is very powerful in how it expresses his mixed feelings towards the Horses. Through these animals, he has given light to different issues that disturbed him as a child.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Application of ICT in Classrooms in Rural Area

This survey aims at placing the jobs faced by school in Jada local Government Area ( LGA ) . The quality of instruction in schools in the rural country is less compared to the quality of instruction in the urban centres. A study and an interview were conducted in order to, place what the jobs are. From the consequences, the undermentioned jobs were identified ; deficiency of substructure, low quality of instruction, unqualified instructors and deficiency of financess to keep the school. As consequences of these jobs the pupils in such schools are neglecting there external scrutinies therefore they do n't acquire admittances into universities conveying a halt to their instruction. This paper suggests the execution of information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) to work out the jobs faced by the School in Jada with the aid of the authorities and private organisations. Introduction Education is a really of import facet in the development of a state. An educated person can carry through so much for himself and his state. Education empowers people to follow their dreams, to do alterations in their lives and the lives of others. In an article published in Onlinenigeria the missionaries foremost introduced instruction to Nigeria in the fiftiess. The first instruction section established was in the southern Nigeria in the twelvemonth 1887 ( Education, 2010 ) . Ibadin a professor in University of Benin mentioned that â€Å" between 1960 and 1998, primary and secondary school registration increased from 2,912,619 to 17,942,000 or 516 per centum rate addition † ( 2010, p.87 ) . This shows the fast turning figure of educational institutes in Nigeria. Both rural and urban countries have turning Numberss of educational institute. Despite the addition, the educational position in rural countries is much less compared to that in urban centres, it is just to state tha t instruction in rural countries have non yet run into the needed educational criterion. For illustration, the quality of instruction in urban topographic points like Jimeta in Adamawa province is more than that of rural topographic points like Jada Local Government Area. The public presentation of school in Nigeria is measured by how good they do in external scrutinies. Schools in Jimeta are executing much more than schools in Jada. The schools in the rural countries have unqualified instructors. Furthermore, the authorities merely concentrates on the urban countries while pretermiting the rural countries. Because of this carelessness, the rural schools do non hold the necessary substructure in making a good acquisition and healthy environment. The execution of information engineering would assist in developing the educational criterion in rural countries. Methodology The range of this research was based on Jada Local Government Area and Jimeta in Adamawa province. The methods used in garnering information were, interviews, studies and internet research. Thirty people answered the study, 15 from Jimeta and 15 from Jada Local Government Area. Two people were interviewed ; the local authorities president of Jada and a instructor from Jada secondary school. Consequences of Findingss The study was in two subdivisions. The first subdivision focused on the condition/state of the school, while the other subdivision focused on how many people have entree to computing machine and in what ways has the computing machine affected them. Most of the people in Jimeta agreed with the fact that there are good qualified instructors and the acquisition environment is a healthy 1. The entire antonym was the consequence in Jada, from the study it showed that the schools in Jada local Government do non hold adequate tabular arraies and chairs, text editions are out dated and they lack other learning stuffs. From the consequence above it did non come as a daze that merely 5 per centum of the people who took the study knew what a computing machine was. In add-on, from that 5 per centum none of them own or have used a computing machine before. They have no thought, that the usage of computing machine can help them to be more efficient in their work. The contrary was the instance for the people surveyed in Jimeta ; 85 per centum have used a computing machine before and 60 per centum have entree to a computing machine. From the 60 per centum that have entree to the computing machine all agreed that it has made their work less feverish and it has besides made them more efficient. In an Interview with the Chairman of Jada ; Alhaji Usman Bamanga mentioned that the ratio of instructors to pupils is 1 to 70, which is really bad. In add-on to that, he besides stated that the instructors are largely unqualified. The Chairman besides stated that most of the times you would happen pupils seated on the floor because there are no tabular arraies and chairs in the schoolrooms. Furthermore, some of the text editions available are outdated and the instructors are the lone people who have entree to them. When asked if there are any computing machines available in the school, the president said â€Å" In a topographic point where there are no chairs for the pupils to sit on, do you anticipate them to hold computing machines. The merely available computing machine in this topographic point is in my office. † Harmonizing to the president, the ground why the school is in a really bad status is because the authorities do non supply plenty support to instruction in rural countries. The sum of money provided by the authorities merely helps pay the wages of the instructors and the school can non afford to purchase other larning stuffs needed for learning. In add-on, the sum paid by the pupils for their tuition fees is really undistinguished compared to the financess need to upgrade the criterion of the school. Interview with the instructor ; a instructor from the school was picked because he would cognize more about the jobs traveling on in the school. One of his major concerns among few others was, the pupils do non like coming to school and that the parents are non making anything about the state of affairs. In add-on, even if they are in school the pupil happen it difficult to concentrate in category because of the conditions of the schoolroom. The instructors besides complained that the figure of pupils in the category, he pointed out that he can non separate the chopper pupils and those that need excess attending. Those that needed the excess attending would stop up non larning anything at the terminal of the session. He besides complained that most of the clip the school does non supply them with larning stuff. For illustration, sometimes the instructors use their ain money to purchase chalks and other composing stuffs in order to learn their category while in some state of affairs w hen the instructors do non purchase the stuffs larning does non happen. Problems Faced by Classrooms in Jada Local Government Area From the study and interviews conducted, it is clear that schools in the rural country are confronting so many jobs. These jobs are: Low figure of schools in the country ; as motioned above, there is merely one school in Jada available to the population of 1000 pupils in the country. Because of that, the categories are overcrowded doing it impossible for the instructor to command the pupils. If there are excessively many people in a room with hapless hygiene, this makes it easier for the spread of diseases. In add-on, in a category where there are about 70 people in a room, would do it easier for the spread of diseases. In an article published by the World Resources Institute it stated that â€Å" Overcrowding and insanitary family conditions favor the transmittal of the disease, which is spread by droplets from a cough or a sneezing or common custodies ( Airborne, 1999, P. 4 ) . † Furthermore, excessively many pupils to a instructor, causes larning to be limited to little figure of pupils. The higher the figure of pupils in a category the more hard it would be for the instructor to command the category. With a crowded schoolroom, it would be hard for the pupils to be attentive. The crowd would besides increase noise doing deflecting other pupils ready to larn. Another, job faced by this school is the quality of instruction given to them. Most of the instructors in the school are unqualified ; they can non be accepted by other urban school so they come to the rural countries where they have no pick but to use them. The rural schools such as the one in Jada have no pick because they do non hold the money to pay for qualified instructors. The deficiency of qualified instructors has affected the public presentation of the school in external scrutinies such as Western African Examinations Council ( WAEC ) , and the National Examinations Council ( NECO ) . Supporting this statement is Vincent.O.Ibadin saying that aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦the ultimate quality of instruction is determined by the instructor, as he transmits the value of instruction to the pupil. In line with this, Merton ( 1957 ) in a paper titled â€Å" The Self Fulfilling Prophecy † , pointed out that, â€Å" a instructor ‘s outlook can and does rather literally affect a pupil ‘s academic public presentation. † Similarly, Aghenta ( 1998:44 ) emphasized that, â€Å" what the instructor does and how he does it are of import in the finding of quality of instruction. The instructor is every bit of import in the finding of measure of instruction. † Hence, possibly the National Policy on Education ( FGN, 2004:39 ) . ( 2010, p.89 ) The quotation mark above shows how the making of a instructor has a batch to make with the public presentation of their pupils. As a consequence of unqualified instructors, the pupils do highly hapless in external scrutinies, and because of their public presentation, they do n't acquire admittances into third establishments. The pupils therefore end up remaining at place making what their grandparents have been making, taking them back to where they started. This discourages the parent from seting their kids into schools and it encourages the figure of dropouts in schools. They feel that instruction is a waste of clip ; they instead send their kids to work and lend to the household income. In add-on to all the jobs, the school does non acquire adequate money to run the schools. The environment in which the pupils survey is really bad, the school does non hold adequate money to purchase up-to-date text editions and other substructures such as tabular arraies. How ICT Can Help Solve the Problem. The execution of computing machines and the proviso of cyberspace installation would assist work out some of the jobs faced by Jada secondary school. The job of outdate information and text edition: With computing machines and the cyberspace, the instructors and pupils can hold entree to information they need. The demand to purchase a text edition is non necessary. There are so many e-books, e-libraries and so much more out at that place that are free and unfastened for the populace to utilize. Distraction doing larning to be limited to few Numberss of pupils: The computing machine can assist pull the attending of the pupils. For illustration, in a category where there are three people to a computing machine, their attending would be on what is on the computing machine, ( the computing machine here is like a mini instructor to them ) . The computing machine provides a fun manner of acquisition, through educational games and multimedia, this makes the pupils to be excited and willing to larn more. The article Computers in the Classroom: How Information Technology can Better Conversation Education, it acknowledged that â€Å" It is possible to do a talk more piquant and entertaining by utilizing the presentation tools available to us with computing machines and associated package ( 2003, P. 2 ) . † Unqualified instructors: The instructors can foster their instruction by inscribing in universities that offer on-line grades. They can besides educate themselves with resources out at that place and happen out what is new and learning techniques that would assist them in their instruction. Problem of pupils dropping out: When ICT is implemented in the school it would function as a incentive for larning to the pupils. The pupils would be willing to come to school and larn about what is go oning in the universe. Implementing ICT can assist upgrade their external scrutiny consequences, which would acquire them admittance into the university. This would in bend encourage parent to set their kids in school, because they can now see advancement. Quality of instruction: To sum up how information and communicating engineering can work out the jobs of Jada secondary school, it would in the procedure addition the quality of instruction of the school. Harmonizing to the curate of instruction he stated that vitamin E acquisition could assist work out, the job the state ‘s instruction is confronting ( Sam ) . Government Roles in Solving the Problems For the job of unqualified instructors, authorities policies should be implemented to guarantee that merely qualified staffs are employed to learn. In add-on, those instructors that are already in the school system should travel back to school to foster their instruction to the criterion required. Government can besides put a policy to turn to the issue of overcrowding. A policy can be created that states â€Å" A instructor should hold non more than 40 pupils in a schoolroom. † When the execution of these policies is successful, it would turn to the issues of overcrowding and unqualified instructors learning in rural schools. The last and the most of import job is the issue of money, which generated most of the jobs. As identified by the president of Jada Local Government, the fund given by the authorities does non supply the basic demands needed to run the school. The authorities should concentrate on instruction in the rural countries as they do the urban countries. The authorities can non be the lone beginning of financess for the school ; there are other private persons and organisations that are willing to supply the aid. An illustration of a non-profit organisation aimed at assisting schools in Nigeria is â€Å" SchoolNet Nigeria is a non-profit administration created to turn to the usage of ICT in Nigerian secondary schools with the support of several authorities ministries. ( Agyeman, 2007, p.6 ) † Decision In decision, when ICT is implemented in Jada secondary school it would upgrade the criterion of instruction in that country. The alterations would non merely be limited to the school and its pupils but to the hereafter of Jada Local Government Area. The pupils would come out with consequences that would take them to any university in the state and compete with other schools in the urban countries. The kids Jada Local Area would hold control of what they want to be in the hereafter. As instruction makes you who are and what you ne'er believing you can go. If this is excessively be successful in every rural country in Nigeria so the jobs of Nigeria are solved Application of Ict in Classrooms in Rural Area This project is focused in implementing ICT in rural area, and the case study is on fufore local government in Yola. As we all know rural areas in Nigeria lack quality and basic education, when you talk about education in rural area what comes to our head is low standard of learning, poor education, not well equipped class rooms for student’s education or lack of proper infrastructure suitable for education. An article defined rural education as: There is little dispute that basic education1—often characterized as the reading, math, and other skills and knowledge taught in the first four years of primary school—is critical to economic and social development. Without basic skills, according to one definition, a person cannot comprehend the instructions on a bottle of medicine or a bag of fertilizer or read a government notice. Neither can the person compute a bill or write a letter. Without basic skills, it is impossible to develop one’s potential or to contribute in anything more than a rudimentary manner to society (Greaney, 1999). (Moulton, 2001) Fufore Local Government is settled area in the southern part of Adamawa with five major languages known as Fulani (largest), Bata, Verre, Laka and Pere, it consist of 1500 people that live there, most of them engage in cattle rearing, poultry, farming etc. When i went to observe these schools i noticed there were at least 300 children that went to both nursery and secondary schools, but the problem is they lack facilities that will make these students feel they are learning which makes some students even drop out of schools and start engaging in house work activities. This project focuses on schools in fufore that need ICT services to improve student’s knowledge and ability to learn in order for these schools to have equal education as the students in urban schools, if students in the rural area are not given equal education as students in the urban area there is a result of inequality. Unequal tools in an unequal environment create unequal results† (Ukpe, 2010). Implementation/ Application of ICT in class rooms in rural area is going to benefit the society as a whole, and both the teachers and students. It goes a long way to help the society, because when students start using ICT in classrooms some of their friends at home will also find it interesting this will make them also want to start schooling and know what school is about. This study will also be used as a case study to many parts of rural areas in Nigeria, making them aware of how value ICT is in our generation and also making these local students to fit into any schools they find themselves in in urban schools because this implementation of ICT will not only make these students concentrate on just computer and information studies they will also learn how to apply the knowledge in their various courses. Methodology In order to have reasons for the implementation of ICT in classrooms, i will have to compare this primary/secondary schools in rural area with the once in urban. The methods i used are personal observation, interview and online research (internet). We can see most urban schools have well functioned classrooms with well equipped IT services such as using projectors in class rooms, computers, wireless LANs, File management using databases. In order to convince these organisations we have to state the reasons why we think ICT is important for these locals in rural area. Just looking at an example of an urban schools such as Abti Academy in Yola, Capital science in kuje, El-Amin International school in Minna; we can see they all have what it takes for them to have a well knowledge of what IT is all about, they do class interactions, they submit their works in timely manner especially the senior students, it broadens their minds which they can relate to other courses and apply them when necessary, The students have full access to the lab to do research, take courses in computer education, type documents and gather information on relevant topics for their coursework and from every observation i noticed that schools in the urban area have high rankings in their external and internal exams such as mock exams, WEAC exams . In order to know what is really the problem of these schools towards their lack of ICT knowledge an interview was taken with most principals in these rural schools shown below. 1. Do you know what a computer is? 2. Do you intend to learn how to use it and do you intend to teach these students if you have the chance to? 3. Do you own a computer? And do you know how to surf on the internet with it? 4. What do you think about implementing ICT in classrooms? 5. How do you think it will affect the students? Interview Summary: Results The interview was conducted with three different principals of three different areas in fufore, but all their answers were closely the same. They stated they’ve had an experience using a computer, that it would be great to have such an opportunity to use computers and other IT services in their schools, it will surely help the students and enlighten them about what the world is all about now. They stated that they’ve all being provided by the school with just one computer and an internet connection, and in a rural place like fufore I believe there is a limited amount of power supply which makes it even more difficult to use this computer by anyone. They stated students in their area are in need of ICT in classrooms in order to making teaching easier for both the teachers and students, they also have a problem with their teachers who don’t acquire computer skills, it will be difficult for them to teach and guide these students through. ICT will greatly affect and have a positive influence on these students, they will have an opportunity to be going for national competitions because these services will not only improve them in one area, they will also have the ability to speak proper and fluent English, they can also learn how to type by doing their course works on their computers and doing research on the internet which will even help the senior students in history classes. They also mentioned that students in this area are always willing to learn, so it won’t be a problem for them to get used to it. Development and Implementation of ICT in class rooms in rural area: Fufore LGA Through ICT in rural schools it will expand the access to student’s education, now that technology is one of the things that help us develop in this world. So we have to make the rural schools aware of that which will greatly affect both the students and their lectures, it will also make them aware of what is happening in our world today (News) by browsing on the internet, also help them improve interactions in terms of video conferencing and distance learning; through video conferencing it will enable to share ideas and know about other courses that are not offered in the school. ICT is an extensively strong technology for extending and expanding educational opportunities in formal and informal ways, in this case rural schools. ICT is a technological development that reflects the new society and has its place within education. However, as with many new initiatives, ICT obviously has its problems that over time will be addressed. Meantime, ICT should continue to be promoted to assist with education and learning. I will heartedly agree with anyone who states that ICT is a valuable tool for both teaching and learning – speaking as someone who got the last lessons plan for my teaching from the Internet- but I can’t help feeling that the emphasis on the use of ICT detracts from other current ‘sexy’ education issue – socialisation. I believe that developing teachers’ social and counselling technique is a greater priority than their ICT skill (Sime & Mark, 2005). Access to remote learning resources: when this implementation is done, with the use of internet, teachers and students will no longer have to depend on textbooks for learning or even buy them due to how expensive they can be, they teachers can just find textbooks on the net and direct the students to access them too. With the use of Internet services you will find a means of learning materials or tools in almost every subject and can be accessed every day at anytime and also by unlimited number of people that can use it. This is significant for many schools in developing countries. Students will have control towards self learning: For example, teachers can just give a research paper as an assessment for the students, during that research they also learn a lot through searching and browsing different articles. This also broadens their minds to also think fast, observe the situation of the research, allowing their minds to take over and have control of what they are doing and also making their own opinions and what they think. Motivation to learn: the use of multimedia computer software that include sound effects, pictures can be used in learning process for people in rural areas, also as interactive radios and other performance. This will motivate the locals to learn because it’s new to them and then i believe that some locals tend to understand pictures or graphics rather than reading them that way they understand better. Use of modern teaching tools: in rural areas they still have an old way of teaching their students; some don’t even have notebooks, or other writing materials. Through ICT, students can learn how to manage their files on computers rather than writing notes in their notebooks, also teachers have PowerPoint to present to the class by that they can just write short notes on what the teacher is talking about. In order to improve the school from my own point of view it needs these requirements for students to have a basic idea of ICT is about. 1. Provision of hardware resources for internet connectivity such as WAN, LAN, MAN. 2. Software packages for learning or academic related CDs which they can install in their computers to improve self learning. 3.  Television for the nursery school students because children in nursery school learn faster with images rather than using books, and Projectors for the primary and secondary students. 4. A well functional and equipped computer that contains at least 15 computers. 5. Power supply via solar energy, because electricity isn’t that reliable and effective in rural areas, and besides this implementation is based in fufore which is always sunny every day. So solar would be a good source of electricity. These implementations can be done with the help of private organisations and even the government, we all know nothing is free; these organisations can get profit out of this successful implementation and project. They will keep implementing ICT and improving other schools in this area. Since i noted that not all teachers have enough computer skills to handle the students learning or to control these equipments, the organisations also have to supply the schools with well trained teachers/experts to show them how to take care of things just for some time. This is an expensive and vital project due to many resources that are needed, power supply because without power supply these resources are just going to end up being there without no one using it and also this is the future of our children to enlightened them and making them have a knowledge of IT, making them have the same and equal education the urban schools are having so they won’t feel left out. After these resources have been implemented and are already in use, in observation we are going to experience and expect these changes in the schools: †¢ The students should have the ability to think as fast and be smart like the students in urban schools and also their results will likely match up. †¢ An increase in the students that will enrol in schools because most students in rural areas don’t really care about education, some are drop outs and with a new system it will motivate them to also learn like their friends. †¢ Will be able to compete in national competitions with other schools. †¢ Know how to use these ICT services provided to them and also apply them when necessary Conclusion From all observations we can see how value education is and rural education cannot be compared to the urban because they have more experience in ICT than the locals have. ICT in class rooms has a lot of advantages and benefits to our daily life now, makes students acquire skills, skills that will take them to the next level, skills that will improve their way of thinking and will also change their lives because after school they can go to these urban areas and get a good job instead of staying in their area and doing the basic occupation such as farming. Technology is part of our world now and its used in our daily activities, with the aid ICT in class rooms they will have access to distance learning which will enhance their learning skills and ability, not only within the class room but globally or worldwide. In order for these students to be equal with students from other developed schools, they need to be given a chance; they need to be given the opportunities that are being given to the more fortunate schools/students. Nigerian Government, private organisations and private sources have to come together to make this possible for our generation and also to help the nation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The influence of journalism and newspaper on the public sphere

The influence of journalism and newspaper on the public sphere Habermas developed the concept of the public sphere to mean that part of life, especially in social circles, where the population can exchange opinions on issues of significance to the common good, so as to form a public opinion. This public sphere is expressed when people gather together to debate issues that are with a political base. Habermas' effort rely on a characteristic historical moment when coffee houses, salons, and societies became the place of discussions during the 17th and 18th centuries and extends this phenomenon to an ideal of participation in the public sphere for today (Mayhew, 1997). The significance of the notion of public sphere lies in the process of debate, which must be modeled to a critical and rational discussion. That is to say that the discussion has rules where emotive language is avoided and focus is laid on the rationality of the contents being debated. The contributors are supposed to have a common attention in truth with no status differentials. Criticism is one component that is considered vital in this process such that the propositions are tested and the contributors or participants can make discovery through the process (Mayhew, 1997). Properties of journalism/newspapers that allowed a public sphere to emerge The media has played a critical role in the emergence of the public sphere. To start with, the press has a wide reach which allows more public participation. Sine early times, the newspaper journalism highlighted political controversies and development. The development of the newspaper in the 17th century was seen as an emergence of a critical organ of a public involved in vital political debate. The recent media has developed to the extent of commodifying news. In addition, publishers in early time took sides with loyalist or patriots. The news brought more controversy and kept the public informed of the political happenings. The editors more often than not created a sphere for political discussions. Changes to journalistic field and the newspapers that present the greatest challenges to a democratic public sphere The emergence of the mass press is based on the commercialization of the participation of the masses in the public sphere. As a result, this ‘extended’ public sphere lost much of its original political touch giving way to entertainment and commercialism. The role of newspapers as a traditional media has become increasingly problematic in today’s democracy. The gap between the democracy ideology and its practice is so conspicuous. The mass communication is lacking credibility in furtherance of democratic ideals. Many theorists have pointed out that newspaper and other journalistic channels separate people from one another and substitute themselves for older places of politics The newspaper has become active participants in the political process through their role in publicity, instead of reporting on the process itself. Furthermore the newspaper has become fundamental to political life. Political participants are required to regularly update with the media's requirement and plan their exposure actively; failure to do so they tend to fall quickly out of favor. Moreover, the lousy â€Å"media performers† assume the same failure. Public debates on television and the discussion columns in newspapers present little aspect of a critical-rational debate. (Thomson, 1995) Plebiscites, research in public opinion and opinion management do not provide a potential for democracy; they are adjunct to public administration rather than a true public discussion. That is they do not present a chance for discursive opinion formation. Manipulation of events is used to provide utmost televisual effects. Debates are modeled such that the extreme opinions clash in order to attain maximum impact and increase ratings. Elsewhere, there is little contribution in regard to the development of discursive public opinion or will. The choice of topics reflects the inclination to proprietal and commercial interests. Television programs that allow audience participation are directed to groups that are not significance for the public view. However, this admission does not guarantee any changes in the power structures within the society. So these programs provide just an illusion of involvement which arouses a feeling in the public that their democratic rights are exercised. As a result of the shifting communications environment, the public sphere is revealed as a platform for advertising. In the process, this realization has invaded the process of public opinion by methodically exploiting or creating news events that draw attention. Aspects of the current media system that present the greatest opportunity for the continuation or renewal of the public sphere The efforts to salvage the public sphere centre on making publicity a basis of logical consensus formation other than controlling popular opinion (Benson & Neveu, 2005). Traditional media can add into democratic functions through action as an agent of representation. The media should be organized to tolerate different social groups to articulate their outlook. In addition, the media should aid organizations to get support through publicity of impending causes and protests. That is the media should help these organizations operate as representatives medium of the supporters view. Presently, the internet presents a great opportunity to many of the things aforementioned. It has the capacity to extend participative democracy in a revitalized public sphere. The structure of the internet eliminates control by the conglomerate media organization. Many more people have access to internet opportunities and debate for the formation of political will. As well, the commodification of the internet is inevitable. However, the traditional media have vast resources and established audiences. The resources include money, expertise, research materials, and photographs while the audience is often willing to accept what they publish. (Mayhew, 1997) Conclusion A public opinion can only be formed if there is existence of a public that engages in rational discussion. The public opinion is a critical authority that balances social and political power and publicity can manipulate it so as to support products, programs, people and institutions. However, there has been a deterioration of the public a phenomenon which is fuelled primarily by publicists (Thomson, 1995). A person's individual point of view when solicited does not comprise the public sphere, since it include a process of opinion formation; for instance, a public opinion poll. Over the years, the notion of the public sphere has been used and linked to matters in media theory which include consumerism and commodification, culture and media ownership, surveillance and participative democracy, and desecration by public relations practitioners, virtual communities mapping, globalization and journalism in the future. The public sphere is still functional, although it is not and will not be the same. Its future lies within the digital media especially with the emergence of the internet phenomenon. (Thomson, 1995) References: Benson R. & Neveu, E (2005): Introduction: Field Theory as a work in progress. Pp1-25 Thomson, J.B. (1995): Advertising, public relations, and the problem of strategic communication, Media and Modernity. Pp119-148 Mayhew, L.H. (1997): The new public. Pp 189-235. New York: Cambridge University Press Thomson, J.B. (1995): Media and the development of modern society, Media and Modernity. Pp 1-80

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The attractiveness model proposes Essays

The attractiveness model proposes Essays The attractiveness model proposes Essay The attractiveness model proposes Essay The attractiveness model proposes that the effectiveness of a message depends on the sources physical attractiveness, likeability, familiarity and similarity to the recipient of the message. (Shimp 2003:297) Evidence suggests that attractiveness is an important factor and this is reinforced by the empirical use of celebrity endorsers in the first who are general seen as physically attractive (Ohanion 1990:41). Without doubt the rapid rate at which fans adopt the new Beckham hairstyle supports this and highlights his effectiveness in appealing to target audience aspirations. A study conducted by Zhou (2004) found that these western appeals worked on high involvement goods and although the local cultures concept of beauty is different, the inspirational aspect became so vital that such ads are quite successful as long as western models are used. Following on the concept of attractiveness and the need to use western models, current evidence emerging in China demonstrates the adaptable use of a foreign celebrity known as Dashan . Canadian by birth, this lanky Ottawa is relatively unknown in Canada however he is now renowned as the first westerner to perform the ancient Chinese art of xiangsheng, or comedic dialogue. Roswell, 39, is prospering in a society where TV performers work for minimal pay, earning his keep through lucrative advertising endorsement . (www. chinadaily. com ) The Dashan character provides Rowswell with a decent income and has enabled him to carry the personal satisfaction that his efforts may chip away at the Great Wall of cultural misunderstanding between China and the West. He collaborates and notes I try to bring to the Chinese a new image of foreigners that flies in the face of the stereotypes most have grown up with,(www. chinadaily. com ). This is a dynamic example of the use of foreigners in endorsements and shows how attractiveness , credibility and match up can be suited to a differing cultural context Unfortunately physical attractiveness is a difficult concept to define. The old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is applicable here. (Benoy 1982:15) . This leads one to the admission that different cultures will ultimately perceive physical attractiveness in a different way and individuals who would be considered attractive in one country may be considered unattractive in another. (Rhodes, Zebrowitz: 1997) A clear example would be the depiction of beautiful women in the west. Generally, evidence suggest that women who are tall elegant and slim are regarded as beautiful. In contrast, Africans consider fullness of figure as vital while height is not as important. One would therefore assume that western models would have no appeal in these cultures . Evidence suggest otherwise , most depiction of models in multinational firms in China have western views of beauty. Despite David Beckhams seemingly global appeal, there are instances when his endorsements have been received in bad taste as happened in Iran (some cultures attach less importance to physical beauty than others). Research reveals that collectivistic cultures attach less significance to physical attractiveness while individualism is directly related to stereotyping and physical attractiveness. This therefore explains why Beckham as an endorser in China is eclipsed by Luo Xian ( www.chainatoday. com ) who is regarded as being more attractive. Furthermore, Erdogan, et al. (2001) found that trustworthiness and expertise were more important for technical products. Thus it would be reasonable to conclude that the concept of physical attractive is more essential when considering endorsements of non technical products. In general, physically attractive endorsers are seen as more effective than less attractive endorsers in terms of creating favourable impressions towards the advertised brands and products (Shimp 2003). It can be seen from the evidence presented that attractiveness, likeability and personality are more related to attention getting whereas expertise is closely related to intention to purchase . What is clear is that celebrities are a more attractive and credible source in advertising, consequently these factors should have a bearing on how celebrities are used in a cross cultural context as these dimensions are affected by culture. Dimensions of culture High vs. low context Culture has been shown to be one of the most obvious and frequently used orientations for showing differences between Asian and western societies (Cho et al. 1999; Kim, Pan, and Park 1998). In the advertising context such differences are highlighted by the differing communication facets. These dimensions suggest two kinds of communication types. A high context communication is one in which most of the information is already available in the physical context or within the persons frame of reference. Whereas a low context communication is just the opposite, in that the mass of the information is emphasised in the explicit code. In high-context cultures (China), messages are conveyed in an abstract, implicit, and indirect manner. In contrast, communication in low-context cultures is more straightforward, explicit, and direct. Western countries such as the United States are characterized as low-context cultures whereas, Asian cultures such as Japan and Korea exhibit a high-context communication style. (Chow et al. 1999; Hall 1976). This point is important because it raises questions about whether an endorser can be truly global and use similar appeals and endorsement techniques between different countries, evidence gathered so far and practical examples show that there is a crucial need to adapt at least the communication style of the host country. It is fair to conclude that in low context cultures celebrity endorsements are often information orientated and follow a central route to persuasion. Conversely, in high context cultures advertising tends to be more emotional, symbolic and should follow a peripheral route to persuasion. Individualism vs. collectivism Another common cultural dimension is to compare individualistic versus collective societies. Originating from Hoofsteds work in 1984 this concept shows how different values are appreciated across cultures. Individualistic societies such as the UK show high realisation, independence and high levels of competition characteristic of western societies. In contrast, collective societies emphasise interdependence , harmony , family , group oriented goals and low levels of competition . (hofstede 1984) These concepts also influence advertising and celebrity endorsements . Advertising in individualistic countries often emphasises independence, uniqueness and success of individuals. In contrast, collective cultures use endorsements that show the cultural values of interdependence, integrity group goals and concern for others. In this respect employing celebrities to endorse products seems to be more fitting to collectivistic cultures because celebrities transfer symbolic meanings and this is an integral part of high context culture communications. Conclusions This paper has clarified the meaning of celebrities and endorsements. We have further expanded by including how one becomes a celebrity and deviated from the norm by showing that one does not necessarily have to be successful in a particular arena to qualify as a celebrity. This study has therefore highlighted the importance of media (such as television) in the making of celebrities. There is a suggestion that celebrities can be purposefully built and used in the endorsement process. Particular examples relating to popular Big brother television series have been cited to prove this. The study has shown that culture inevitably influences the content and style of advertising across countries. Celebrity endorsement provides a frame of reference with the product for consumers. Advertising techniques will naturally vary across different countries. Given the financial implications of cross country advertising it is important to assess these differences. The report has clearly demonstrated the need for this through practical examples that relate to the need for adaptation toward local audiences in the celebrity endorsement process. Comparing such differences has added depth and clarity to understanding comparisons involving the study cultures that vary on the major constructs with sufficient functional similarities such as China and the U. K (Berry 1980). Celebrity endorsements have been analysed from three important aspects credibility, attractiveness and meaning transfer. It has also been clearly shown that credibility is not as important a factor as suggested by literature. The rap culture example is clear testimony that even seemingly unconvincing celebrity endorsers can still successfully promote consumer products. It can be concluded that, although credibility does influence the success of the endorsement process, it is not a deciding factor. Moreover advertisers can take advantage of such endorsers and attempt to match them to target audience cultural values, however extreme. Attractiveness has been shown to be a unique concept that allows and enables the penetration of celebrity endorsement into the cluttered media space. Attractive celebrities have been shown to be quite effective. However this paper has noted the different interpretations of beauty across the cultures. These do not seem to significantly affect the use of such celebrity endorsees in different countries. In fact it would seem that there is a growing convergence towards the western definition of beauty and that these can be used to inspire target audiences in other countries. There is little doubt that the, Dashan example offers new insights into how both the transfer of meaning , credibility and attractiveness can be incorporated in cross cultural celebrity endorsements . Careful pre-test of celebrity endorsements should be carried out in such markets before the endorsement strategy is fully implemented. The match up hypothesis has been shown to be outdated and inadequate in explaining the success of celebrity endorser who has promoted products that are either outside their area of expertise, rival competing brands or products that have little fit with their characteristics. Although this theory must inevitably be used as a baseline, It seems possible in international advertising to venture in product endorsements that may have little fit with the endorser and take advantage of other aspects such as credibility and attractiveness instead. Although the first part of McCracken model is quite precise, the second part needs further expansion and the model misses essentially ingredients necessary in the understanding of the transfer of meaning. In this respect it is necessary to first look at the product and relate it to cultural aspirations and then ultimately adjusts the endorser execution or presentation of the product to suit the national or cultural appeals. It would be folly for example, to have endorsement in China based on the Beckham sex appeal as often seen in the U. K. The importances of cultural considerations have been carefully appraised and should complement the implementation and understanding how advertising works. We can reach the logical conclusion that Chinese audiences are more likely to conform to group norms and more likely to follow pre-dominant trends , unlike their western counterparts . Ultimately, this essay has shown that cross cultural celebrity endorsement is still a relatively new area of research. In addition, there is inconsistency in how celebrities are used at an international level. It is also unlikely that international celebrity endorsements can succeed without relative adaptation of both the product, the message and the endorser to suit prevailing cultural considerations in the host country. The degree and extent of adaptation will differ depending on the psychic distance between the endorse and the target audience. Limitations Given the mentioned importance of cross cultural similarities and differences, findings of this study do not provide answers regarding how often celebrities are used in the two differing cultures. Neither is it clarified as to how far celebrity endorsers can be extended in different countries. Such answers can be derived from a more substantial content analysis rather than a qualitative report. There is also a need to research the extent of public glamorisation between cultures, and how personal characteristics may influence this. Although this paper attempted to demonstrate the differing endorsements strategies between countries, it fails to provide enough examples largely due to its qualitative nature. Advertising practitioners need to know more than just when to use a celebrity endorser. They should also be clear on how to use endorsers. It may be necessary to examine how this can be done indifferent countries. Bibliography 1. Agrawal, Jagdish, and Wagner A. Kamakura (1995), The Economic Worth of Celebrity Endorsers: An Event Study Analysis Journal of Marketing, 59 (3), 5 2. Benoy, J, (1982) the credibility of physically attractive communicators, A Review of journal of Advertising 11. 3 p15-23 3. Choi S. M , Lee W. N, Kim. H. J(2005) Lessons From The Rich and Famous :A Cross cultural Comparison of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising , Journal of advertising vol 34 iss. 2pg 85

Monday, October 21, 2019

Big Bang essays

Big Bang essays Every since scientists came up with an idea of how the universe started and was created, through the Big Bang, there has always been discussion and questioning on what the universe was, before it was created. Was there nothing because there was no time and no God, or was there something we havent discovered yet. Over the past decades, several scientists have theorized on life before the Big Bang, and have come up with these theories: Brane Theory, String Theory, and Inflation theory/Eternal Inflation. Although these theories tell of how the Big Bang started, it does not really explain the universe before the time before the Big Bang era, and how everything needed to start the Big Bang was placed/formed in that before the universe place. Many theories are a revision of an old theory, such as the case with the Brane theory and the String Theory. The String Theory and the Brane Theory both do not explain how matter got there to create the Big Bang. The String Theory says that the universe consists of tiny loops of strings that can form matter. According to this theory, the Big Bang may be a transition from a previously shrinking universe that has reached it smallest size and has begun to expand again. This may be true, but it does not tell us how these strings came to place and how the shrinking universe got there. The Brane Theory is a modification, where membranes which can create matter float around in a five dimension megaverse, and if they collide, it could start the Big Bang. The Inflation theory and the Eternal Inflation are related, in that the Eternal Inflation explains how the Inflation theory would work. The Inflation theory suggests that in the universe there are Inflation bubbles which give rise to universes, and these bubbles are stretched to create universes. It suggests that this can occur several times within the same universe, therefore creating a never endin ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Social Media Copywriting Guide How to Be a Social Word Ninja

Social Media Copywriting Guide How to Be a Social Word Ninja The social media world is noisy. With more than 30 billion pieces of content shared per month on Facebook  alone, you’ve got a lot of competition for people’s attention. In order to cut through the static, you need to wield your words wisely. That means writing posts that stand out from the clutter and speak directly to what your audience wants. Easier said than done. The key to success starts with sharp writing skills. And by the time you’re done with this post, you’ll be a social media copywriting master. The Best Social Media Copywriting Guide to Be a Social Word NinjaDownload Your Free Social Media Copywriting Resource Bundle Writing from scratch can be tough. Thats why weve bundled together some resources to help spark your creativity. 90 Social Media Post Templates to give you some starting points for crafting your own content. Social Media Campaign Content Template to write and organize an entire campaigns worth of posts. 2017 Social Media Marketing Calendar to plan and schedule all your posts on one spreadsheet. Introducing the Social Message  Optimizer from We recently rolled out a new tool called the Social Message  Optimizer. Similar to our popular Headline Analyzer, it makes it easy to quickly gauge the effectiveness of your social media post (before you hit publish). Enter your copy, click a button, and see your message score. Try it yourself here. Why Is Writing Well Important for Social Media? Posting on social media is easy. It doesn’t take much effort to write up a quick post with a link and call it a day. On the other hand, crafting compelling copy that encourages engagement is tough. It takes skill and thoughtfulness to write strong posts. But when you have to write tons of posts for each network you’re on, sometimes it’s easier to cut corners. Don’t give into that temptation. If social media is important to your business, then invest in the time and resources it takes to do it right. You’ll see a difference in your results. That’s what you’re after, right? If social media is important to your business, then invest in the time and resources it takes to do...Start By Understanding the Mechanics Before we get into actual tips, formulas, and templates, let’s dig into some basic technical considerations for writing posts on different social platforms. Know Your Character Limits Every social network has a character limit. On some networks, this number is much higher than necessary for you to get your point across. On others (namely Twitter), you’re forced to focus on concision. Do you know the character limits for each social network?To Hashtag, or Not to Hashtag †¦ Hashtags are somewhat misunderstood. Each network has different best practices for their use. Know what they are. Recommended Reading: How to Use Hashtags Effectively Without Being Annoying Understand the Purpose of Each Social Network Before you start writing copy for each social network, you need to know why people use those networks in the first place. This should guide how you approach crafting posts and choosing which content to share on any given platform. Recommended Reading: How to Develop a Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) Define Your Voice + Tone It’s important to understand voice and tone for creating a consistent experience for your audience on social media. Give it Some Feeling With Emotional Language Emotion drives engagement. So, infuse more emotional language into your social media posts. Start with this useful cheat sheet of emotional power words compiled from copywriter Karl Stapp: Recommended Reading: How to Write Emotional Headlines That Get More Shares 6 Basic Copywriting Formulas That Work Well on Social Media Many copywriting fundamentals still apply on social media. That includes common time-tested formulas (which most seasoned marketers should be familiar with). There are a lot more copywriting formulas out there. A simple Google search will help you find tons more quickly. However, not all of them are easily applied to social media, specifically. So, we’ve pulled together a small selection here to help you tweet, post, and share with flair. PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve) This old warhorse has been a copywriting staple for decades. There’s a good reason for that, too. Here's how it works: State a problem. Your audience probably has no shortage of them. Agitate that problem. Rub salt in the wound. Roll out the solution. This is where you ride in with the solution, and the crowd goes (metaphorically, at least) wild. Example: Your car won’t start. You’ve got an appointment in 15 minutes. Call Cool Cabs. Bridge After Bridge Wouldn’t life be better if everyone used your product? This formula is all about stating that case to your audience. Show your audience what life is like right now. Make sure it’s not too impressive (yet). Then, explain how that world could be made better. The secret? It involves your product. Next, show them how your product or service can make that world a reality. Example: Stuck scheduling social media manually? There has to be a better way. Enter . AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Here’s another classic. It’s similar to the first two we’ve looked at, but provides a clear path from getting someone’s interest and directing them toward a specific action. Get your audience’s attention. This could be with your post copy or headline. Stoke their interest. Provide some details to get them interested in learning more. Generate desire. Show your reader how much life could be better if they just †¦ †¦ take action. Give them a clear call-to-action to learn more. Example: 10,000% growth? It’s possible. And it can be yours. See how. 4 C’s (Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible) We like this formula for its simplicity. It also describes what most every social media post should be, ideally. Clear. Avoid using overly complex language or sentence structures. Concise. Keep it brief. This is good advice for writing on social media, in general. Compelling. Be interesting and relevant to your audience. Credible. Make sure you can back up your claims. Also, create posts around topics that you’re truly an authority on. Example:Every project. One tool. See what makes the industry’s best-selling calendar. 4 P’s (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push) Here’s another four-letter formula, this time with P’s instead of C’s. Picture. Set the scene. On social media, you can do this literally with your post image. Promise. Commit to giving your readers something they’re interested in. Prove. Then, prove you can deliver on that promise. Push. Next, give them a subtle shove to click and take the next step. Example: Your marketing. Less hassle. How? Try free for 14 days. The â€Å"Open Loops† Technique Don’t tell all of the story in one post. Instead, create a gap that builds suspense using â€Å"open loops.† This entails giving people a hint about the beginning and the end, while leaving readers curious about how you got from point A to point B. According to Buffer’s Kevan Lee, â€Å"Open loops are rooted in psychology. We need closure in our lives, and when we don’t get this closure, we feel anxiety, which spurs us to get closure, to find out more, to keep reading.† Example: This dog is stuck on the roof. How he got there is the real story. Need inspiration for your #social #media copy? Start with these #copywriting formulas:55  Fill-in-the-Blank Social Media Writing Templates We’ve covered the technical considerations for each network, and provided some simple formulas you can follow. Next, let’s move onto to some easy-to-use templates you can use to write actual social media posts. Given that these are templates, they’re not wildly creative, and may require some tweaking to fit your messaging. However, they should give you a decent starting point for crafting your own copy. They might even help get your own creative gears turning, too. 10 Facebook Post Templates With organic reach declining, strong writing skills are more important than ever on Facebook. Your posts need to inspire action and motivate audiences to click, comment, and share, but without sounding overly promotional (more on that last point in our next section). How can [YOUR AUDIENCE] do [ACTION] better with [YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE]? [INSERT PROBLEM]? We’ve got your solution. Do [INSERT TASK] better. [INSERT PROBLEM] sucks. [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE ] doesn’t. What’s your favorite [INSERT PRODUCT] feature? How can [INSERT PRODUCT] make [INSERT TASK] easier? What’s your top [INSERT TASK] tip? [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] in just [INSERT LENGTH OF TIME]? The best [INSERT TECHNIQUE] for [INSERT TASK] isn’t what you think. Your [INSERT TASK] could be this easy, too. [INCLUDE PHOTO OF COMPLETED TASK]. Write better #Facebook posts with these social media templates:10 Twitter Tweet Templates (Say That Ten Times Fast) When you only have 140 characters to work with, then every word counts. Keep your Twitter copy brief, punchy, and entertaining. That feeling when [INSERT ACTION]. #[INSERT HASHTAG] How we increased our [INSERT METRIC] by [INSERT PERCENTAGE] with [INSERT SOMETHING UNEXPECTED]. Time’s running out! Sign up for [INSERT EVENT] by [INSERT DATE]. #[INSERT HASHTAG] Here’s how we [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] (and you can too). #[INSERT HASHTAG] Here’s what [INSERT CREDIBLE SOURCE] uses to [INSERT TASK] by [INSERT PERCENTAGE]. Great news! You can now [INSERT ACTION] with [INSERT PRODUCT]. Could using [INSERT PRODUCT] to #[INSERT TASK] improve [INSERT METRIC]? [INSERT PERCENTAGE] of [INSERT AUDIENCE] use [INSERT PRODUCT] to [INSERT TASK] more [INSERT BENEFIT]. Be one of them. Still doing [INSERT TASK] the old way? No more [INSERT PROBLEM]. Say hello to [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE/FEATURE]. Write better tweets posts with these social media templates:10 LinkedIn Post Templates LinkedIn is a professional network. So, make sure your posts reflect this. Keep your content free from fluff and stay focused on appealing to professionals in your industry. What makes [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] the best [INSERT COMPANY TYPE] in the [INSERT INDUSTRY]? How did [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] achieve [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] with [INSERT SOMETHING UNEXPECTED]? Be the best at [INSERT TASK] with this [INSERT CONTENT TYPE] from [INSERT SOURCE]. The best [INSERT AUDIENCE] need the best [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. We had a problem with [INSERT PROBLEM]. So, we solved it with [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Could this work for you, too? [INSERT AUDIENCE] often struggle with [INSERT TASK]. Here’s how [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] turns [INSERT TASK] from failure to success. The old way: doing [INSERT TASK] by [INSERT ACTION]. The new way? [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Stop struggling. Start succeeding. This post will show you how. [INSERT LINK] [INSERT TASK] + [YOUR PRODUCT] = results. What makes [YOUR COMPANY] the best place to work? Ask [INSERT EMPLOYEE]: [INSERT TESTIMONIAL] Write better #LinkedIn posts with these social media templates:10 Instagram Caption Templates Instagram is a highly visual platform. However, captions present an opportunity to give context for your images. You’ll need to use your own best judgment to match these up with relevant images (and if you need image stock to work with, we’ve got 80+ for you in this post). That Friday feeling. [INSERT PHOTO] [INSERT HASHTAGS] Shout out to [INSERT FOLLOWER’S HANDLE] for this awesome pic! [INSERT PHOTO] Love [INSERT PRODUCT/HOBBY/TREND/ETC]? Then you’ll love this. [INSERT PHOTO] [INSERT CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL] [INSERT CUSTOMER PHOTO] Later, [INSERT PROBLEM]. [INSERT PHOTO] Wish you were here? [INSERT PHOTO OF LOCATION] Here’s one way to get the job done. [INSERT PHOTO] We spotted [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT] in the wild! [INSERT PHOTO] If you worked here, this could be you [INSERT OFFICE PHOTO] What’s going on at [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] today? Write better #Instagram posts with these social media templates:15 General Social Media Post Templates Here are some bonus templates we’ve pulled together without any specific network in mind. Try using them as a base for your posts with our Social Message Optimizer and see how you do. How you’ll feel when you [do something]. Are you [doing something] like you should be? Here’s why you don’t need a [commonly held belief]. Want to [get something desirable]? {#} reasons your [something a majority of your audience typically has] sucks (and how to make it the best) Nothing is [commonly held belief]. The secret to [someone desirable] lies in [unexpected advice]. [Influencer] said, [quote]. Here’s how to do it. What if you could [get something desirable] while [getting something desirable]? [Do something] to [get something desirable]. Let’s be honest: No one has enough time to [do something]. Smart {audience} do this. Want to [experience something desirable]? Here is the [way to get it]. Turns out [something desirable] is actually [something humorous]. There’s bound to be a [something desirable] for you. Have you noticed anything different about [something audience commonly does]? Write better social media posts with these fill-in-the-blank templates:5 Brands Writing Well on Social Media BMW Did you know BMW has more Facebook fans than any other brand? Strong writing plays a part in that. Check out this post for an example: A natural beauty. The new BMW 4 Series Coupà ©. Posted by BMW on  Monday, April 10, 2017 It’s punchy, clever, and promotes their 4 Series Coupe without being pushy. In other words, it’s a perfect Facebook post for a retail or automotive brand. Microsoft Microsoft has undergone a remarkable branding transformation over the past several years. More than just the company that makes your office software, they’re now showing they want to be exciting and forward-thinking. Let’s take a look at this tweet for an example: Turn up your creativity with these partner updates for your #SurfaceDial. Learn more: - Surface (@surface) April 10, 2017 It’s clear, concise, and includes an appropriate call-to-action. The image and link headline also help provide additional context to compel users to click. Gary Vaynerchuk You don’t have to be a marketer to know and respect Gary Vaynerchuk. He does an incredible job at creating inspirational content that, well, is actually inspirational (here’s a writing tip: stop slapping quotes from famous people on irrelevant nature photos). Instead, do what Vaynerchuk does and write your own motivational messaging. This example is great because it’s fill-in-the-blank format naturally encourages engagement: Fill in the blank A post shared by Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) on Apr 10, 2017 at 1:01pm PDT Arby’s Few brands are on Arby’s level. The company digs deep to create creative posts narrowly targeted at specific interests (in this case, weightlifting): Is it really that hard to re-rack? - Arby's (@Arbys) March 18, 2017 The post is short, clever, and entertaining. It feels like something people would naturally want to like, share, and comment on. There’s no hard sell pushing people to go to Arby’s, either, and it works 1,000%* (*not a real statistic) better because of it. Their marketing research page for franchisees  also includes some background information on how infusing humor into their social media presence has accelerated their results. SB Nation What if you’re a publisher or media company, rather than a brand or service company? SB Nation, Vox Media’s popular sports vertical, shows how to weave strong storytelling skills into less than 140 characters. Here’s an example that creates intrigue by using an unusual fact to generate interest: The first NFL Draft pick never signed a contract or played a single down. - SB Nation (@SBNation) April 11, 2017 3 Social Media Writing Traps to Avoid Marketers often get stuck in some common writing pitfalls on social media. Follow these tips to make sure you avoid undermining all your hard work. Ditch Promotional Posts on Facebook In late 2014, Facebook cracked down on promotional posts. This means organic posts that sound too much like ads (or worse, outright SPAM) will be demoted in the newsfeed. Break this rule, and you can expect your organic reach to drop precipitously. Here’s an example of a promotional post from Facebook: Everything about this example feels like an ad, and not the sort of content people want organically in their newsfeeds. Notice this post directly pushes users toward a link to buy a product, too. Here’s another example: This example is similar, pushing users to download an app. As an advertisement, there’s nothing interesting or engaging about it. Don’t Cross-Post Under some circumstances, you might be able to reuse post copy from one network, on another. In general, though, we’d advise against this. That’s because best practices and audience expectations differ on each network. Your short and punchy Facebook post might not do as well on LinkedIn, for example, and your hashtag-loaded tweet certainly won’t play well on Facebook.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Answer six questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Answer six questions - Essay Example According to BBC News, the basic reason for its decline is the decrease in male industrial unskilled workers and more female workers in the tertiary sector. Changes in economy have led to this employment structure. Other than that, changes in the labour market such as increased part time work, more females in the workplace and also more self-employed people has also led to a decline in trade union memberships (BBC News, 2000) Other than this, BBC reports that because the UK economy is shifting to the services sector from the manufacturing sector, it is growing. Despite this growth, jobs are being lost in the manufacturing sector because of which membership is decreasing (BBC News, 2000). Another important reason for this decline is Government policy. In 1979, during the 'Winter of Discontent', an opinion poll showed that 82% of the UK population thought that the unions had a lot of power (Ruysseveldt & Visser, 1996). It was almost a threat. To take down this power of the unions, the Government introduced legislations that ultimately resulted in theTrade Union Reform and Employment Rights Acts 1993. Due to this, till 1992, membership density fell by a significant percentage. I think that trade union membership will decline further because like earlier reasons, the labour market structure keeps changing its shape. ... This sounds unpleasant and is likely to cause damage to management-employee relations and also has in the past. Employees need to feel secure in their jobs. This is expected to increase their motivation and commitment to the organisation. And when this commitment is threatened (due to redundancies) and when employees are scared of losing jobs, they must be talked to using the best possible medium. Today, because of technology, managers use media such as email or text messaging to fire people (Gennard, J., Judge, G., 2005). Stunts like these cause damage to the employment relationship. Redundancies are usually made because they are crucial to the profitability and hence, the success of an organisation. However, when it happens, the employees that already work in the organisation feel insecure. To avoid any damage to the employment relationship of these employees, they must be told exactly why the redundancy had to be made, what its result for the organisation will be and how it will benefit the employees that work in that organisation. In other words, proper communication has to take place in a situation like this and that too, through face-to-face. And not through some text message that would threaten workers even more and make them feel alienated. Even workers that are being fired must be explained properly why the action is compulsory for the firm. Any compensation that can be made must be made by the management and if employees need appropriate assistance in the future, they will be given it . Employees should be assured of this. A redundancy program that is inadequately managed leaves the organisation to costly employment board claims and they can damage this organisation's reputation in the business society. A badly reputed

Friday, October 18, 2019

Motivation of Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motivation of Employees - Essay Example This paper mainly focuses on the impact of managers and leaders on employee's motivation. Many researchers have found that in spite of any theory of employee motivation, the high motivation among them invariably depends on interesting work, pay, good working conditions, appreciation that they receive from their superiors, and job security. These factors are important factors in helping to motivate employee (, 2002). When we look at the advantages of employee it can be pointed out that motivational and inspirational experiences in their organizational life improve employees' attitudes, confidence and performance. Managers and leaders are expected to have exceptionally good leadership qualities and good people-motivation skills and inspirational techniques that will help to improve total productivity. There are several motivational methods. It may range from inspirational quotes and poems, to team building games and activities, warm-ups and exercises for conferences, workshops, meetings and events, which itself can often be helpful for motivation of most of the employees. According to the McGregor's XY Theory of motivation, motivated people perform better. Douglas McGregor who was an American social psychologist, in his 1960 book 'The Human Side of Enterprise' proposed the famous X-Y theory. Theory x and theory y are even today referred to in the field of management and motivation. McGregor's X-Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. Hence it is important for all the managers to follow some of the basic principles of this theory because McGregor's XY Theory still remains central to organizational development, and to improving organizational culture. This theory is a simple reminder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of day-to-day work are easily forgotten. According to McGregor there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. In general it is found that many managers follow theory x, and sometimes get poor results. Other managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop. In any organization it is found that people playing games or competing in teams learn about each other, and also in this process communicate better and see each other in a new light. It also results in mutual respect. This is the bases on which Johari Window theory is based. The Johari Window model was formulated by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950's, while researching group dynamics. The Johari Window model is a simple and valuable tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual understanding between individuals within a group in an organization. Today, the Johari Window model is particularly relevant due to modern emphasis on, and influence of, 'soft' skills, behaviour, empathy, cooperation, inter-group development and interpersonal development. People often enjoy events which include new non-work activities, especially when managers and bosses take part in the same teams as their junior staff, which also helps cohesiveness and 'can-do' culture (, 2006). Role of leaders and managers in motivating employees Motivation is a complex area and it is different for each person. It is important to get the alignment and values right, and motivational methods

Fair Compensation Budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fair Compensation Budgeting - Essay Example She has held this position for the last two years though she has not been very successful. This is because she was under a male manager who could not work with female workers freely. The former manager did not treat workers equally because, in this business, women were not paid the same salary as men. The new manager noted that women were not paid an equivalent rate as men for the same work. Question 1 What factors in the current compensation system for the county not identified here might influence Amy’s response? The current compensation system for the county pays women less salary than women. This is not fair because all workers are entitled to the same remuneration. However there are a number of things that will influence Amy in order to change the situation of unequal treatment of men and women in Adam County. First, Amy should research and find out whether both men and women are allocated the same duties in the company. She should evaluate this to find out whether, the f act that women are paid lower salaries than men is justified. Apparently, the previous manager might have been paying men more money probably because they were subjected to more work load. Amy should find out exactly why this was the case and address the situation from that point. Secondly, Amy might be influenced by the fact that women take more leave days than men. ... Such skills include ability to team work, working under pressure but not expecting an extra pay. For women this might seem hard because of their biological make up and their household responsibilities. These responsibilities such as child bearing and raising might be inhibiting the full performance of women at the workplace and therefore cannot be relied upon, for example, to do activities such as those of departmental heads. In addition, by the fact that departmental heads work involves a lot of travelling, women might not handle such tasks because of the constraints put on him by society. For example women who take a lot of time away from their husbands are often branded bad and false accusations of engaging in extra marital affairs while away for a prolonged time. Amy might also consider the commitment workers have towards the business. She will be influenced by those workers who have a spirit to work rather than those who work to earn money. To identify these workers she will be guided by how, for example, workers are punctual to work. The quality of work that such a worker does is also a crucial item to consider. If for example, workers are assigned similar duties, the manager should determine who among those workers the first to do the job is. The manager may also consider commitments outside the workplace, for example, commitment in family affairs and other matters connected with that family. There is a direct link between the performance of the work and the relationship with spouses at home. Workers spend a lot of time in the workplace and also in the family place. The balance between the two places is important for the profitability of the company. In addition, the number of dependents the worker has maybe