Monday, September 9, 2019

Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Obesity - Essay Example Apart from the social stigma that one may have to suffer, the health implications of obesity are much more expensive. According to Crawford (para, 2), 20% of population of all but fifteen states in the USA are obese and this number is increasing by the day. We all need to protect ourselves from obesity. B. Reason for listening: Obesity is becoming more and more common in the society and most of us have had or will have to deal with this issue either in ourselves or in people we love and care about. According to Childhood Obesity Facts (Para 1) obesity among children has doubled over the last thirty years. Obesity is not just a cultural issue, it is not just about the physical looks but rather it is a matter health. C. Credibility: Credibility: I have had some of my friends who have been affected by this issue. I can confidently say that I have experienced firsthand (or at least second had) the issues affecting obesity. Obesity is a cruel thing to deal with (Maureen). D. Enumerated Preview: Obesity is a serious issue with so many factors surrounding it. In this forum though, I wish to discuss three major issues which are pertinent with regard to the issue of obesity. These issues include, poor eating habit (fast food culture), laziness (lack of physical activities), and poverty which makes it harder for poor families to afford healthy food. II. The human body has its natural mechanisms of dealing with various issues. As disused above, when an individual takes in carbohydrates (energy-giving-foods), the extra energy is converted and stored in the form of fat thus resulting in fat accumulation. This means that people can reduce fat accumulation through exercise to burn the stored fats. There are vicarious ways of exercising which include; III. Poverty is probably at the apex of the issues influencing increasing rates of obesity in the United States as statistics show that poorer families are at a higher risk of obesity than those which are economically

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